Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Hallo. My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die.

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So I went to my first rapier practice tonight... I LOVED IT! I am very awkward and there is sooo much to learn, but it was uber fun. I am definitely going back next week! (THANKS CHELS! ^_^) Eventually I hope to be able to fight and win even... but right now I'll just go for remembering to have my feet pointed the right way, and keeping myself in the right stance. And not getting huge welts on my boobs. Those are the goals.

Image from ABC News.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Hot Sewing Mama Divas Unite!

Sooo, my dear friend Jess has got me really excited about sewing. Who would have thought...but it has such potential, I can hardly stand it. I am not very good yet, but I just started a couple days ago and I have seen improvement already. I have faith that I will get better with practice. I have been browsing the Diaper Sewing Diva boards, and I'm amazed at what people make, all the time. It is quite inspiring! I will post pictures once I have a completed project. :D

PS - A BIG THANKS to my dear sister for letting me borrow one of her machines.