We're making gigantic strides in potty training. Still lots of accidents, but a much higher level of willingness, and even some completely dry days as well!
Jaemin is walking everywhere, sometimes close to running even (especially when she knows she has something she's not supposed to). She also has a 5th tooth in.
School is going well. My design class that I started off being so intimidated by has turned out to be not so intimidating after all, when I've gotten down to it. Now if I can just keep up with 'class participation' I should be making an A.
DH is going away this weekend to a soccer tournament. One of his last...I think he's sad about it, but honestly I'm ready for him to be done with it, or at least just play games 2 or 3 nights a week with a league, instead of a daily practice + games.
Mom, Julie, Jess, & Emma all pitched in to buy an hour of massage-bliss for me. All I have to say is THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU and God bless you all!